
7 Writing Styles to Help You Ace Your Paper

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Writing is one of the critical competencies in the student’s academic process, which forms the ability to communicate ideas efficiently. Apart from the scope of information delivery, the skill of writing includes all types of writing that one needs to master. These different styles of essay writing may have a profound effect on the perception of your work. This detailed guide will cover the importance of writing styles and further discuss seven different styles and the most appropriate writing style for students to use to help them succeed in their studies.

Why is writing style important?

The impact of essay writing styles goes beyond mere stylistic fads; it determines how your message is interpreted. The following are reasons why writing style is a crucial factor:

  • Express yourself effectively and engage your readers: Style of writing is a literary touch of you, the unique ways of expressing thoughts inside your brain. Also,  various writing styles have the power to captivate readers.
  • Write essays correctly: Choosing the correct writing style helps you to fulfill essay requirements correctly. If you don’t know what writing style to choose, ask experts at EssayHave paper writing service to process your “write my essay” request immediately.
  • Improve your style, improve your grades: In the academic writing styles and environment, professors evaluate your essay writing based on the content and how well you can put your thoughts into words.

writing style

7 different writing styles

Now, let’s explore in-depth each of the seven different styles, providing a nuanced understanding of their characteristics and applications:

Descriptive writing

Descriptive writing is an art form of imparting information through the intricacy of word choice. The description may not serve the sole purpose of description. Rather it is a skill of the sensory experience sheltering the reader. This style breaks through the limits of direct expression. It flows into the reader’s mind like a mysterious tapestry of words that paints pictures. Through the art of description, by practicing creating specific details about sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, descriptive writing conveys the atmosphere of the moment or the place. This sophisticated technique proves to be fruitful for literature essays. Such essays’ major intention is not just to report events but to influence the reader’s feelings and involve him/her at a deep emotional level.

Narrative writing

Narrative writing is analogous to literary sight touring, taking the readers through the story unfolding disclosure. Personal narrative is an attractive manner of organizing information in a written piece. For example, when serving to present the events verbally, keeping a chronological order of occurrences is vital in such cases. This storytelling format does not have a sequential timeline as its thread for its narrative. Instead, it creates a tapestry of chronology with both past and present. Students of narrative works imply the function of storytellers who do not only simply report sequences of events. But they also offer personal implications, feelings, and retrospections.

Persuasive writing

Persuasive writing is the rhetorician’s architectural drafts. In such a style, the writer devises logic while building his own cause of a person’s perception to influence them. The essays in which the expression and support of opinions are of utter importance get persuasive writing to prove itself a worthy figure. The thrilling detail in which the persuasive writer demarcates the fine line between conveying their own position to the reader taken in equal force as preempting any alternative viewpoint that could overthrow their advantage is what stimulates the reader.

Expository writing

Exposition writing is an essential aspect of academic communication. It maintains a lighthouse of clarity in the ocean of scholarly work. It is the one that typically covers the informative aspect and facilitates the understanding of broad or complex concepts with a practical and neutral presentation. Compared to research papers in university seminars or academic papers, expository writing is most distinct in its concern with factual accuracy, clarity of communication, and presentation. The part of an expository essay writer who can be characterized as an expert who can easily break down hard topics into smaller components for the reader of his/her article.

Argumentative writing

Argumentative writing is the drama of words in court. It is a persuasive process while expecting and laying down converters to confirm the reasons of its opponents. Like the persuasive form, argumentative style celebrates opinions and defends them with great eloquence and precision. It is not plain and simple. It is more difficult. Proponents of this style compete. They prove that each of them has a solid understanding of the topic. Argumentative writers take up the advocate’s mantle and devote themselves to convincing readers to see the appeal of their point of view. While at the same time, they show that they also understand the validity and power of counterarguments.

Analytical writing

The fine scalpel of the literary world will tell the most complex story when writing an analytical piece. The story is dissected into each part and analyzed carefully to explain everything. Analytical writing is the staple prose of academic critique. And it is an advanced academic practice that goes beyond the capacity of surface-level understanding. Through a meticulous exploration of every aspect, the analytical writer points to the reasoning, thematic, and visual connections, and impact. This genre requires learning in great depth about the main subject. It makes a writer achieve depth by filling the details with meaning and presenting the topic from the side of many views.

Compare and contrast writing

The technique of revelation of a pattern is frequently observed in contrast and comparison writings. It passes through the comparison of two or more topics and is the art of juxtaposition. Comparison writing is crucial for effective academic contrasting. It serves as an essential aspect that enables the clear and coherent expression of ideas and information in scholarly contexts. Presenting a comparison beyond enlisting relevant and insignificant criteria could be a slippery task for the author.

Most helpful essay writing styles

The choice of the best style of writing is a conditional variant along with different learning styles students use. The type of assignment usually determines the needed goals. Here are more extensive guidelines on selecting the most suitable style for different situations:

  1. Academic essays: With traditional college academic essays, persuasions, and expositions are mostly used to appease the readers. Such styles of writing and referencing further serve to put forward the information with more clarity, back your arguments with evidence, and underscore the areas where you have enough knowledge on the topic.
  2. Literary essays: Literary analysis, which combines descriptive and analytical essay styles are the best methods used in the analysis of literature. Plunge into the textual world, using descriptive language and analytic writing, to reveal melodies and patterns in the literature.
  3. Personal reflections: The narrative style comes to the fore in personal essays about personal reflections. If you are a personal travel blogger, the best thing to do is to narrate your stories in the form of prose so that readers may reflect upon your journey while being psychologically connected to you.


Murad Ali Khan is a researcher, writer & editor, who believes in generating quality content. He leads an awesome team of high school students, teachers & IT graduates who helps him in creating & maintaining educational Websites & Apps.
When not tinkering on the web, Murad enjoys going on hikes, read Latest Science News, plays tennis & hangs out with his friends.

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