
Teach Your Pup New Tricks: 7 Fun Tips for Kids Training Their Dog

3 mins read

Training your family dog is not only beneficial for household harmony but also a wonderful way for children to learn responsibility, patience, and empathy. Teaching your pup new tricks can be a delightful bonding experience for your kids and their furry friends. Here are seven fun and effective tips to get them started on this exciting endeavor.dog training

1. Start with the Basics

Before diving into more complex commands, it’s essential for kids to teach their dog the basic commands such as “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “down.” These foundational skills are crucial for your dog’s obedience and will make learning more complex tricks much easier. Patience is key! Encourage your children to use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to reward their dog for following commands. This positive association will make training sessions something both the dog and your kids look forward to.

2. Keep Training Sessions Short and Sweet

Children and dogs alike have limited attention spans, so it’s important to keep training sessions short, ideally 5-10 minutes long. This ensures that both the pup and the kids stay focused and don’t get frustrated or bored. Frequent, short sessions are more effective than less frequent, long sessions. If needed, there’s also expert dog training available to help with more advanced techniques and commands. Remember, the goal is to make training a fun and positive experience for everyone involved, so don’t push your dog or your kids too hard.

3. Use the Right Treats

The right motivation is crucial for successful dog training. Find a treat that your dog goes crazy for, and use it exclusively for training sessions. This could be small pieces of chicken, a favorite store-bought treat, or anything else that gets your pup excited. Encourage kids to give treats immediately after the dog performs the desired action, helping the dog draw a clear connection between the action and the reward.

4. Create a Distraction-Free Environment

To ensure your dog can focus exclusively on the training session, begin in a tranquil room that is free from toys, other people, or animals. This setting greatly reduces distractions, thereby simplifying the process for your dog to focus intently on the training exercises at hand. Starting in such a controlled environment is crucial as it allows your dog to concentrate solely on learning new commands or tricks without the interference of external stimuli. As your dog progressively becomes more skilled and adept at performing tricks in this distraction-free zone, you can incrementally introduce new distractions. This could involve bringing toys into the room, practicing with people around, or even training in the presence of other animals. Such a gradual increase in the level of distractions serves a dual purpose. It not only tests your dog’s ability to maintain focus amidst interruptions but also significantly strengthens their obedience and performance under varied conditions.

5. Teach Tricks Through Play

Incorporating play into training is a fantastic way for kids to teach their dogs new tricks while ensuring that everyone is having a good time. Fetch, tug-of-war, and hide-and-seek are great games that can also incorporate commands and tricks. For example, use the game of fetch to practice “come” and “drop it,” or hide-and-seek to reinforce “stay” and “come.”

6. Celebrate Success Together

Whenever your dog learns a new trick, make a big deal out of it! Celebrations encourage both the kids and the dog to continue the training. It could be extra playtime, a special treat, or simply lots of enthusiastic praise. Recognizing achievements with positive reinforcement helps cement the behavior you want from your dog and keeps the training process enjoyable for your kids.

7. Practice Patience and Persistence

Teaching your dog new tricks isn’t always going to be easy. There will be good days and bad days. It’s important to remind your kids that patience and persistence are key. Encourage them to maintain a positive attitude, even when progress seems slow. The experience will teach them valuable life lessons, such as perseverance, the importance of consistent effort, and the satisfaction of achieving goals through hard work.

puppy training

Training your family dog presents a remarkable opportunity for kids to develop a multitude of valuable life skills while strengthening the bond between them and their pets. Through the application of these seven tips, young trainers will learn the importance of consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement, all within a framework of fun and engagement. As much as this process teaches the dog new tricks, it also imparts crucial lessons about responsibility, empathy, and mutual respect to the children. Remember, the key to successful dog training lies in making it a joyful and rewarding experience for both your kids and your pup.


Murad Ali Khan is a researcher, writer & editor, who believes in generating quality content. He leads an awesome team of high school students, teachers & IT graduates who helps him in creating & maintaining educational Websites & Apps.
When not tinkering on the web, Murad enjoys going on hikes, read Latest Science News, plays tennis & hangs out with his friends.

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