
Tips for parents to help with their children’s schoolwork

4 mins read

Educating children is one of the most important responsibilities of parents. A key part of this responsibility is helping children with their homework. However, it can sometimes be a challenge to know how to do this most effectively. Learn key tips for parents when it comes to helping their children with their homework.

Establish a Study Routine

Tips for parents

A regular study routine is essential to children’s academic success. It helps to set clear expectations for when homework is due. Parents can work with their children to create a schedule that fits each child’s individual needs and work pace. This routine provides structure and establishes positive study habits.

Establishing a consistent routine not only helps children become organized, but also gives them a sense of security and predictability. Knowing when they are expected to sit down to study reduces resistance and unpleasant surprises.

Create an Appropriate Study Space

A proper study environment is just as important as a study routine. A quiet place free of distractions is essential for children to concentrate on their schoolwork.

Parents can help design this space by making sure it is well lit and equipped with the necessary materials, such as books, paper, pencils, and a computer if needed.

Creating an attractive and comfortable study space can make children feel more motivated to study. Make sure there is enough natural light or adequate lighting to prevent eyestrain from being a hindrance.

Maintain Open Communication

Open communication between parents and children is essential for academic success. Parents should encourage their children to talk about their concerns, difficulties, and accomplishments in school. This creates an environment in which children feel supported and valued, which in turn can increase their motivation and self-esteem.

Talking regularly with your children about their education shows them that you care about their well-being and are willing to help at any time. Be sure to listen carefully and ask open-ended questions to encourage conversation so they can find answers to their questions.

Support Organization and Planning

Teaching children organization and planning skills is a critical part of helping with homework. Parents can work alongside their children to help them create to-do lists, set deadlines and prioritize activities. This teaches them to manage their time effectively, a skill that will serve them well throughout their lives.

One helpful technique is to use a calendar or online to-do list to keep track of due dates for tasks and projects. This helps children learn to manage their time effectively.

Offer Help, Not Answers

It’s important that parents don’t do homework for their children. Instead, they should offer help and guidance.

If a child is faced with a difficult math problem, instead of solving it right away, parents can ask questions that help the child think about how to approach the problem on his or her own. This encourages independence and problem solving.

The key here is to empower children to think critically and develop their own problem-solving skills. Asking them questions like “How do you think you could solve this problem?” or “What information do you need to solve this problem?” can be very effective.

Promote Reading and Active Learning.

Reading is critical to children’s academic success and intellectual development. Parents can foster a love of reading by reading along with their children and providing access to a variety of age-appropriate books.

In addition, encouraging active learning, such as asking questions about what they are learning or discussing interesting topics, can help children develop critical thinking skills.

Encourage your children to read not only the books assigned at school, but also books that interest them personally. This fosters a positive relationship with reading and learning in general.

Set Goals and Rewards

Setting clear goals and a reward system can motivate children to put effort into their schoolwork. Parents can work with their children to set realistic goals, such as improving grades in a specific subject or completing all assignments on time. By achieving these goals, children can receive appropriate rewards, such as extra time for activities they enjoy.

Goals should be specific, measurable, and attainable. Examples might include “Get a B in math in the next quarter” or “Complete all homework by the deadline for one month.”

Connecting Education to Everyday Life

Helping children see the relevance of what they are learning in school can increase their interest and motivation. Parents can relate school lessons to everyday life situations.

For example, they can explain how math applies to cooking or how history influences current events. This shows children that learning is relevant and has a purpose in the real world.

Connecting learning to everyday life can also help children understand why certain topics are important and how they can apply what they learn in real situations.

Another good idea may be to include technology. Since children often spend long hours online, you can sign them up for a community learning platform where they will learn in a fun way.

Seek Additional Resources

Sometimes, children may need additional help beyond what parents can offer. Parents should be willing to seek out additional resources, such as tutors or school support programs, if their children are struggling in a particular subject. Recognizing when outside help is needed is a sign of caring and commitment to children’s education.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from education professionals, such as teachers or school counselors, to identify your child’s specific needs and find the best solutions.

And while many parents may be on the fence about whether to opt for distance learning vs. online learning, know that numerous studies have proven that online learning is an excellent idea for children to learn more effectively.

Model a Positive Attitude Toward Learning

Children often imitate their parents’ behavior, so it is important for parents to model a positive attitude toward learning. Showing interest in learning new things and meeting challenges with an open and persevering mindset can inspire children to do the same. Parents can demonstrate that learning is an ongoing process and that there are always opportunities to grow and improve.

When children see their parents showing a genuine interest in learning, they are more likely to develop a positive attitude toward education. Encourage them to ask questions, explore new interests and never stop learning.


In conclusion, helping children with homework is a crucial part of responsible parenting. By following these ten tips, parents can play an active and effective role in their children’s academic success, encouraging independent learning and building a solid foundation for their future.

Education is a lasting gift that parents can give their children, and these strategies can help make that gift even more valuable. As parents work alongside their children to develop study, organization and problem-solving skills, they are equipping them with the tools they need to meet academic challenges and succeed in life.


Murad Ali Khan is a researcher, writer & editor, who believes in generating quality content. He leads an awesome team of high school students, teachers & IT graduates who helps him in creating & maintaining educational Websites & Apps.
When not tinkering on the web, Murad enjoys going on hikes, read Latest Science News, plays tennis & hangs out with his friends.

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