10 Common Reasons For Pet Insurance Claims

3 mins read

The thought of our pets getting sick or injured is the worst for any owner. We’d have them all living for our entire lives without ever having to deal with pain, sickness, or stress. But that’s simply not realistic. At some point, our pets will develop a condition or get themselves in some form of trouble that requires professional help. All we can do is hand them over to skilled medics and pay whatever costs arise. This is all much easier to handle with the right pet insurance policy. Here’s a quick list of some of the most common reasons that our pets end up at the vet’s and some tips on getting coverage.

Pet Insurance Claims

10 Common Reasons For Vet Visits

1) Eating foreign objects

This is easily one of the most common reasons because it’s so easy for animals to do this – especially dogs. If you have a puppy that will chew on pretty much anything, you know the dangers of injecting socks, toys, and who knows what else. It’s not exclusive to dogs, though. If you’ve seen the viral video of the python and the beach towel, you know vets have seen some weird things.

2) Injesting poison/toxic food

It isn’t just foreign objects getting lodged in stomachs and throats that’s a problem for curious pets. Many will eat anything that’s in front of their face without supervision. This can include a lot of human food that’s not good for them, such as toxic chocolate. There’s also the risk of them ingesting cleaning products and literal poisons if they come across them. No pet owner should use rat poison.

3) Other stomach/gastric issues

Stomach and gastric issues aren’t purely about substances and objects pets shouldn’t eat. There’s also the chance of pets developing digestive disorders due to their diets, stress, or other factors. Vomiting and diarrhoea can be symptomatic of other conditions. So, it pays to get your pet checked out.

4) Flesh wounds/injuries

Pets can end up with a range of injuries by being careless or misjudging their step. Any cut or laceration requires adequate care to prevent infection, and deeper bruising can take time to heal. Deeper cuts may also require stitches and professional care.

5) Broken bones

In some cases, these accidents will result in much more severe breaks to bones in their limbs and paws. Pets that have a bad landing, get involved in a car accident, or simply get under the feet of their owners can suffer. They will need x-rays, casts, and follow-up care for a full recovery.

6) Bite wounds

This one can be pretty traumatizing for our pets, as well as for us as owners. Some dogs don’t have the same level of training or control as ours and can bite out of aggression or fear. Even if the wound is minimal, it’s important to get your pet checked out to avoid complications.

7) Insect bites and stings

Insects can pack a pretty big punch something, too, if they are provoked. We don’t have too many dangerous animals in the UK compared to other countries, but the wasps and bees will go after any pet that gets too close. Adders can also bite unsuspecting dogs in the summer. The allergic reactions to bee stings can harm your pet’s mobility, ability to eat, and general well-being.

8) Joint issues

Over time, many pets will develop problems with their joints from overuse or old age. This can result in some significant pain and lack of mobility without appropriate care, medication, and therapy. Arthritis is a common issue that requires regular treatment, but some breeds are also predisposed to hip dysplasia.

9) Skin conditions

Skin health is sometimes overlooked because of our pet’s fur. However, regular itching, hair loss, and noticeable scabbing can indicate serious medical conditions. Your pet may be infested with fleas or have an allergy to something in their shampoo or dog food. A skilled vet can get to the bottom of the root cause and prescribe a solution.

10) Long term medical conditions

Finally, there are long-term medical conditions that need regular care and support. This could be anything from diabetes to care for canine or feline cancers. Whatever the condition, vets will always be there for ongoing support. They will also be there at the very end when medical care is no longer an option.

Getting Pet Insurance Coverage For All Situations And All Ages

The range of reasons for vet visits highlights the importance of a good pet insurance plan. You need to be covered for as many situations as possible to lower costs and give pets the best care. Accident-only cover is fine for some of those injuries, foreign objects, and bites. However, it won’t cover the ongoing costs of medical conditions and dietary issues. You also have to be careful with pre-existing conditions when choosing pet insurance plans. That’s why it helps to insure pets from an early age and renew that coverage through their adult life and senior years. Puppies and kittens are prone to accidents but could also benefit from comprehensive coverage for loss, theft, medical issues, and more. The same goes for senior pets with more complex needs.

Find A Plan That Works For You And Your Pet

The situations highlighted above are all heartbreaking for any pet owner. We want to avoid as many as possible, and when we can’t, we want that assurance that our pets are protected. This means more than just high-end veterinary care. It also means a pet insurance policy that covers as many situations as possible. Take some time to compare providers and find the best value plan possible. Look out for policies that go the extra mile with their clauses and help make vet care and ongoing medical expenses even more manageable. While accident-only plans may seem like a cost-effective solution, those comprehensive alternatives with maximum coverage can go a lot further. Do your best to protect your pet and ensure that if any of those 10 situations happen, you can handle it.


Murad Ali Khan is a researcher, writer & editor, who believes in generating quality content. He leads an awesome team of high school students, teachers & IT graduates who helps him in creating & maintaining educational Websites & Apps.
When not tinkering on the web, Murad enjoys going on hikes, read Latest Science News, plays tennis & hangs out with his friends.

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