Albert Einstein Facts For Kids – Albert Einstein Biography For Kids

22 mins read

Among all the scientists in the world, Albert Einstein is well known among the kids as one of the most genius people the world has ever seen. Here we have the best Albert Einstein Biography For Kids with a complete collection of Albert Einstein Facts For Kids that will help kids in learning all about Albert Einstein. You are going to learn who he is, his full name, when & where he was born, his childhood, nationality, where he lived, where he is actually from, why he is famous, his significance, contribution to science, physics, and maths, his education, life history, inventions, discoveries, accomplishments, patents, workplaces, atomic theory, noble prize, complete family information, personal life, death, books, timeline, quotations and many other interesting facts about Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein Facts For Kids

1. Who Is Albert Einstein

  • Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and mathematician.
  • He is credited for the development of one of the two pillars of modern physics.
  • Generally, he is famous in the public for his well-known formula of mass-energy equivalence (E = mc2), which has been called “the world’s most famous equation”.
  • He also discovered the theory of relativity and the law of the photoelectric effect.
  • For his works and discoveries, he got the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Albert Einstein Facts For Kids

2. Albert Einstein Introduction

  • Albert Einstein was a German-born mathematician and physicist, who is one of the world’s most famous scientists.
  • He was born in Germany but emigrated to the United States during World War Ⅱ.
  • He developed the mass-energy equivalence formula (E = mc2) and the Theory of Relativity.
  • He also discovered the law of the photoelectric effect, for which he won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics.
  • His work in theoretical physics influenced the philosophy of science.
  • He died in 1955 due to internal bleeding at the age of 76.

3. What Is Albert Einstein Best Known For

  • Albert Einstein is best known for his formula of mass-energy equivalence (E = mc2), which provided a pathway to the development of atomic power and the atomic bomb.

4. Albert Einstein Full Name

  • The full name of Albert Einstein is just the same as “Albert Einstein”.

Albert Einstein Middle Name

  • Albert Einstein had no middle name.

5. When Was Albert Einstein Born – Albert Einstein Birthday

  • Albert Einstein date of birth is March 14, 1879.

6. Where Was Albert Einstein Born – Albert Einstein Birthplace

  • Albert Einstein was born in Ulm city of Wurttemberg state, Germany.

7. Where Is Albert Einstein From – Albert Einstein Hometown

  • The hometown of Albert Einstein was Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany, where he was born in 1879.

8. Albert Einstein Early Life – Albert Einstein Childhood Facts

  • Born in Ulm, Wurttemberg, the family of Albert Einstein moved to Munich about one year after his birth.
  • He started speaking at the age of 4 years, and people did not consider him a brilliant boy.
  • At home, he received instructions on Judaism and violin while starting school at the age of five.
  • He self-taught geometry and algebra when he reached the age of 12 years.
  • Till the age of 14, he learned calculus and became mastered integral and differential calculus.
  • Albert Einstein became unsuccessful in an exam to qualify to be educated as an electrical engineer.
  • He then decided to study physics and mathematics so that he could become a teacher in the future.

9. What Nationality Was Albert Einstein – Albert Einstein Nationality

  • Albert Einstein had:
    • German
    • Prussian
    • Weimar
    • American
    • and Swiss nationalities.

10. Where Did Albert Einstein Live

  • Albert Einstein lived in:
    • Ulm and Munich (Germany),
    • Bern (Switzerland)
    • Princeton & New Jersey (United States)

11. What Country Is Albert Einstein From

  • Albert Einstein was originally from Germany, however, he also had the nationalities of Prussian, Weimar, Switzerland, and the United States.

12. Why Is Albert Einstein Famous

  • Albert Einstein is famous because he was the greatest thinker and genius of history.
  • His work led to new ways of considering time, space, gravity, energy, and matter.
  • Albert Einstein is generally famous for his greatest achievements; the discovery of the mass-energy equivalence formula (E = mc2) and theories of relativity.

13. Why Is Albert Einstein Important – Albert Einstein Significance

  • Albert Einstein is important because of his pioneering discoveries.
  • His special and general theories of relativity altered the course of modern physics.
  • He discovered the law of photoelectric effect for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
  • The significance of Albert Einstein is that his discoveries (especially his theories of relativity) became an essential tool for experimentalists and theorists in the newly born fields of nuclear physics, atomic physics, and quantum mechanics.
  • His work provided a pathway to the comprehension of several concepts of the Universe and the development of nuclear power and the atomic bomb.

14. How Did Albert Einstein Contribute To Science

  • Albert Einstein contributed to science through his discoveries and achievements in the field of physics and mathematics.

15. Albert Einstein Contribution To Science

  • Albert Einstein has a direct or indirect contribution to the following:
    • Atomic power and the atomic bomb
    • Evidence of the atomic-molecular existence through the use of the Brownian effect
    • Development of satellites and the capability to control it
    • Spacecraft guiding and maneuvering calculations
    • GPS (Global Positioning System)
    • The Laser and all the devices which depends on it
    • Development of all the computerized screens, such as computers, televisions, and air traffic control
    • CD’s, DVD’s and its players
    • The concept and comprehension of time, gravity, black holes, and various other features of the Universe

16. Albert Einstein Contribution To Physics

  • Albert Einstein was one of the greatest physicists. His major contributions to physics include the creation of:
    • Mass-energy equivalence formula;

                                         E = mc2

    • General Theory of Relativity
    • Special Theory of Relativity
    • Brownian Movement
    • Quantum Theory of Light (Photoelectric effect)

17. Albert Einstein Contribution In Mathematics – What Did Albert Einstein Invent In Math

  • Albert Einstein is most famous for his contributions to physics, however, he was also a mathematician and made many contributions in mathematics.
  • At the age of 12 years, his extreme passion for geometry and algebra led him to persuade that nature could be interpreted as a “mathematical structure”.
  • At the age of only 12 years, Albert Einstein self-learned algebra and Euclidean geometry during a single summer.
  • At the age of 12, he also discovered his own original evidence of the Pythagorean Theorem.
  • He was so excellent in mathematics that one day his family tutor Max Talmud gave him a geometry textbook, and after a short time, Einstein worked through the entire book.
  • At the age of 12, he started self-learning calculus and became mastered in integral and differential calculus as he reached the age of 14 years.
  • In his General Theory of Relativity, there is a set of ten equations known as the Einstein Field Equations
  • He also discovered the summation convention or Einstein notation.
  • He mathematically demonstrated the photoelectric effect.

19. Albert Einstein Education

Did Albert Einstein Go To School – Where Did Albert Einstein Go To School

  • Yes, Albert Einstein attended school.
  • Most of the Albert Einstein school life spent in Munich where he attended a Catholic elementary school and then Luitpold Gymnasium for his secondary school education.
  • He then attended Argovian cantonal school (gymnasium) in Aarau, Switzerland to complete his secondary school education.

Where Did Albert Einstein Go To College – Albert Einstein College

  • Albert Einstein attended the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (or ETH Zurich), Switzerland.
  • He got his four-years Federal Polytechnic teaching diploma in physics and mathematics from ETH Zurich.

What Did Albert Einstein Study – Albert Einstein Field Of Study

  • Physics, mathematics, and philosophy were the fields of study of Albert Einstein.
  • Albert Einstein self-learned geometry, algebra, and calculus till the age of 14.
  • He worked on his theory of gravity at the University of Zurich from where he obtained his Ph.D. degree.

Albert Einstein Educational Background

  • The educational background of Albert Einstein is:
    • Luitpold Gymnasium (now Albert Einstein Gymnasium) from 1888-1894
    • Aargau Cantonal School from 1895-1896
    • ETH Zurich from 1896 -1900
    • The University of Zurich – 1905

20. Life History Of Albert Einstein – Albert Einstein History

  • Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Wurtemburg, Germany, on March 14, 1879.
  • One year after his birth, his family moved to Munich.
  • He attended a Catholic elementary school at Munich from 1885 to 1888.
  • For the next six years, he attended the Luitpold Gymnasium (which is now Albert Einstein Gymnasium).
  • In 1894, his family moved to Pavia, Italy, due to a loss in business but Albert Einstein left behind with his relatives in Munich in order to complete his school.
  • He then soon followed his family and was then sent to Aarau, Switzerland, where he was enrolled in the Aargau Cantonal School to complete his secondary school education.
  • In 1896, he enrolled at the ETH (Swiss Federal Polytechnic) Zurich for the four-year program of teaching diplomas in mathematics and physics.
  • During his studies at ETH Zurich, he met Mileva Malic, who was a 20 years old Serbian student and Albert Einstein’s classmate at the physics and mathematics section.
  • Their friendship then developed into romance and she became Albert Einstein’s wife in the future.
  • In 1900, Albert Einstein got his graduation degree from ETH Zurich.
  • He then acquired the citizenship of Switzerland and at that time, he also finished his first scientific paper on the capillary forces of a straw.
  • He then moved to Bern and acquired a job at the Swiss Patent Office at Bern.
  • In 1903, Albert Einstein and Mileva Maic married while one year before their daughter “Lieserl” was born.
  • About one year after their marriage, their first son “Hans Albert Einstein” was born.
  • In 1905, Albert Einstein created his special theory of relativity and mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2. His four research papers were published in the major German journal of physics, Annalen der Physik.
  • Albert Einstein then started applying the gravitation laws on his Special Theory of Relativity.
  • In 1908, he obtained a job as an associate professor at the University of Bern, while he was still working at the Patent Office.
  • He finally resigned from the Patent Office in 1909 when he was appointed as an associate professor to the faculty of theoretical physics at the University of Zurich.
  • In 1910, he wrote a paper and explained through an optical phenomenon that why the sky looks blue.
  • In 1911, he was appointed as a full professor of theoretical physics at the German Charles-Ferdinand University of Prague. For this, he accepted Austrian nationality in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
  • About one year later, in 1912, he returned to Zurich and was appointed as a professor of theoretical physics at ETH, Zurich, where he taught thermodynamics and analytical mechanics until 1914.
  • Albert Einstein joined Berlin University in 1914. He and his wife Mileva separated due to his romantic affairs with his cousin Elsa.
  • In 1915, he completed his General Theory of Relativity, which was published in the next year.
  • In 1917, Albert Einstein was appointed as the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute Berlin. At that year, he also wrote his first cosmology paper.
  • Albert Einstein and his wife Mileva Malic divorced in 1919. About two months later in the same year, he married his cousin Elsa.
  • He was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize of Physics.
  • He visited and lectured at several universities in the United States and in the South American countries.
  • Albert Einstein played a leading role in the establishment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which was opened in 1925 and he joined its Board of Governors and Academic Council.
  • In 1927, Albert Einstein and Neils Bohr started to develop the foundations of quantum mechanics.
  • At the following year, Einstein also started the pursuit of his idea of unified field theory.
  • When Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany, Albert Einstein left Germany and emigrated to the United States where he settled in Princeton, New Jersey.
  • In the USA, he accepted a post at the Institute of Advanced Study.
  • In 1939, World War Ⅱ began and Albert Einstein wrote a letter to the US President Rosevelt, in which he warned him that Germany might create an atomic bomb. He also recommended him nuclear research.
  • World War Ⅱ ended with the nuclear bombing on two cities of Japan; Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • After knowing about the destruction of nuclear weapons, Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard found the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists aiming to limit the development of nuclear weapons and promote the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.
  • In 1955, he died of internal bleeding.

21. Was Albert Einstein An Inventor

  • Yes, Albert Einstein was also an inventor but not like Thomas Edison or Graham Bell who invented so many things.
  • Albert Einstein was basically a physicist whose work led to many significant advances.
  • He did not directly invent so many things, however, from toaster and the radio to spacecraft and the atomic bomb, all the things that involve physics depend on his work.

22. What Did Albert Einstein Invent – Albert Einstein Inventions List With Dates

  • Albert Einstein invented a Gas Absorption Heat Pump in 1926.
  • At the same year (in 1926), he also invented the refrigerator along with his former student Leo Szilard, which is known as the Einstein-Szilard refrigerator or the Einstein refrigerator.
  • He also collaborated in the invention of a sound reproduction apparatus and the automatic camera (that self-adjust the intensity of light).

Albert Einstein First Invention

  • The Einstein refrigerator was the first invention of Albert Einstein in 1926 for which he patented in 1929.

23. What Did Albert Einstein Discover – Albert Einstein Discoveries

  • As a physicist, Einstein had many discoveries.
  • However, is best known for his theory of relativity and the mass-energy equivalence formula (E = mc2), which became a pathway to the development of atomic power and the atomic bomb.
  • He discovered the theory of Brownian motion, which made it possible to link the physical properties of molecules and atoms to something we could measure.  
  • He also discovered the law of photoelectric effect, for which he won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics.

24. What Did Albert Einstein Accomplish – What Did Albert Einstein Achieve

The following are the major achievements and accomplishments of Albert Einstein:

  • E = mc2  is the mathematical demonstration of the mass and energy relation, which then led to the development of nuclear energy.
  • The Special Theory of Relativity, in which Einstein explained that;
    • The laws of physics are the same (invariant) throughout the universe.
    • In a vacuum, the speed of light is identical for all observers, regardless of the motion state of the light source.
  • General Theory of Relativity was proposed by Einstein which describes gravitation as a curved field created due to the existence of mass in the continuum of space and time.
  • Brownian Motion: Albert Einstein explained Brownian Motion.
  • The Quantum Theory of Light describes that light consists of small packets of energy called photons, which have dual nature; as a wave and as a particle. He also explained in this theory that the striking of light cause electrons emission in some metals, which he called the photoelectric effect.
  • Einstein Refrigerator was a refrigerator design developed by Einstein and his student Leo Szilard. It used ammonia, butane, and water and required just a heat source to work.5Exploration of Blue Sky Color is also one of Einstein’s achievements. He ended the argument about the blue color of the sky through a simple explanation that it is due to the scattering of sunlight by atmospheric molecules. As blue-green is the most prevalent color in white sunlight so the sky looks blue.

25. What Did Albert Einstein Create – Albert Einstein Creations

  • Albert Einstein created many theories and concepts in physics.
  • He also created the Manhattan Project, which was a research project supported by the United States government.
  • This project led to the development of the atomic bomb, which was used in 1945 during World War Ⅱ.

26. Albert Einstein Patents

  • Albert Einstein was granted about 50 patents, the major ones of which are in the following table:
S.No Date Patent Number Collaborator Description
1 28/11/1929 FR670428 Leo Szilard Refrigerating machine
2 09/03/1931 GB344881 Leo Szilard Heat absorption pump, especially for refrigerating machine
3 10/01/1934 DE590783 Rudolf Goldschmidt Electromagnetic sound reproduction apparatus
4 27/10/1936 US2058562 Gustav Bucky Light intensity self-adjusting camera
5 27/10/1936 US101756S A blouse design

27. What Did Albert Einstein Do – Albert Einstein Work

  • Albert Einstein graduated in 1900, however, he did not find a teaching job.
  • In 1902, he got a job as an assistant examiner _ level Ⅲ at the Swiss Patent Office.
  • While working there, he published his papers on special relativity, mass-energy equivalence, Brownian motion, and the photoelectric effect.
  • In 1908, he found a job as a lecturer at the University of Bern.
  • In 1909, he got a job at the University of Zurich as an associate professor of theoretical physics and finally resigned from the Patent Office.
  • He then worked as a professor of theoretical physics at the German Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague, at the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), and at the University of Berlin.
  • He also worked on ammunition and explosives with the Research and Development Division of the United States Navy.

28. Where Did Albert Einstein Work – Albert Einstein Workplace

  • The major workplaces of Albert Einstein were;
    • Swiss Patent Office
    • The  University of Bern
    • The University of Zurich
    • The Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague
    • The Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich)
    • The University of Berlin
    • Research and Development Division of the United States Navy

29. Albert Einstein Atomic Theory

  • Einstein contributed to the Atomic Theory in the following way:
  • Provided proof of the existence of atoms through the movement of molecules in liquid due to the Brownian effect.
  • Devised a mathematical method for measuring atomic size.
  • For the prediction of both atomic and molecular size, he wrote and analyzed a mathematical formula.
  • By using the probability and statistics patterns of atoms, he revolutionized all branches of science.
  • He laid down the foundation for the release of atomic and nuclear energy.

30. Did Albert Einstein Won Nobel Prize – Albert Einstein Nobel Prize

  • Yes, Albert Einstein won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Albert Einstein Facts
Albert Einstein Receiving Noble Prize
Image Credit:

31. Albert Einstein Family Information – Albert Einstein Family Background

  • Born in Ulm, Wurtemburg, Germany, Albert Einstein was from “Einstein” family.
  • “Einstein” family is an “Ashkenazi Jew” family.
  • Albert Einstein’s family members include:
    • His parents; Hermann Einstein and Pauline Koch
    • Parental grandparents; Abraham Einstein and Helene Moos
    • Maternal grandparents; Julius Koch and Jette Bernhheimer
    • His parental uncles and aunts; Rapheal Einstein (uncle), Jette Einstein (aunt), Heinrich Einstein (uncle), August Ignaz (aunt), Jakob Einstein (uncle), and Freidrike “Rika” Einstein (aunt),
    • His maternal uncles and aunt; Jacob and Caesar Koch (uncles) and Fanny Koch (aunt)
    • His only sibling, younger sister Maria (Maja) Einstein
    • His former spouse; Mileva Maric and later spouse and first cousin; Elas Einstein
    • His children; Lieserl Einstein (daughter), Hans Albert Einstein (son), and Eduard Einstein (son)
    • His grandchildren (the children of his son Hans Albert Einstein); Bernhard Caesar Einstein (male), Evelyn Einstein (female), and Klaus Martin Einstein (male)
    • Great-grandchildren; Thomas Einstein, Charles Einstein, Teddy Einstein, Myra Einstein, Paul Einstein

32. Albert Einstein Parents

  • The parents of Albert Einstein were Harmann Einstein and Pauline Koch.
  • They married on August 8, 1876, in Cannstatt.
  • They had two children, a son Albert Einstein and a daughter Maria (Maja).

Albert Einstein Mother

  • Albert Einstein’s mother’s name was Pauline Koch.
  • She was born into a Jewish family in Cannstatt, Wurtemberg, Germany.
  • She was the youngest of her three siblings, an older sister Fanny and two elder brothers Jacob and Ceaser.
  • She was a well-educated and quiet woman and tended towards arts.
  • She was a talented piano player and started violin lessons with Albert Einstein when he was only 5 years old.
  • She died of cancer on 20 February 1920, in the Weimar Republic, Germany.
Albert Einstein Mother
Albert Einstein Mother
image source:
Albert Einstein Father
Albert Einstein Father

Albert Einstein Father

  • Albert Einstein’s father’s name was Hermann Einstein.
  • He was born on 30 August 1847 in the Buchau town of Wurttemberg, Germany.
  • He had six siblings; 4 brothers and two sisters.
  • He attended a secondary school at Stuttgart and had a strong passion for mathematics.
  • He did not continue his education due to the financial problems of his family and became a merchant.
  • After marrying Pauline Koch, they lived in Ulm but moved to Munich in 1880.
  • In Munich, Hermann and his brother Jakob founded a company, Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie that manufactured DC (Direct Current) based electrical equipment.
  • Due to bad conditions, they sell their Munich factory and moved their company in 1894 to Pavia, Italy in search of new business chances.
  • However, they finally abandoned their company in 1896 due to poor business and loss.
  • Harmann then started another electrical engineering company in Milan, Italy, with the financial help of his relatives.
  • The business was better but Hermann was distracted with “worries due to vexatious money” and went back to Germany in 1902.
  • In 1902, he died in Milan, Italy because of heart failure.

33. Was Albert Einstein Married – Albert Einstein’s Wife

  • Yes, Albert Einstein was married.
  • His first wife Mileva Maric was a Serbian physicist and his class-fellow.
  • They married in 1903 and had three children together.
  • They divorced in 1919.
  • The second wife of Albert Einstein was his first cousin Elsa.
  • They married in 1919 and had no children.

34. Did Albert Einstein Have Kids – Albert Einstein Children’S Facts

  • Yes, Albert Einstein had three children; a daughter Lieserl Einstein, and two sons Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard Einstein.
  • Albert Einstein had three children together with his first wife Mileva Maric.
  • Their first child was a daughter named Lieserl Einstein born on 27 January 1902, one year before their marriage.
  • The fate of Lieserl Einstein is unknown, however, there is a hypothesis that she died of scarlet fever in September 1903.
  • Their second child was their first son, Hans Albert Einstein, born on 14 May 1904.
  • He got his engineering degree from ETH Zurich and was a Hydraulic Engineering professor at the University of California, Barkley.
  • Hans Albert Einstein died of heart failure on July 26, 1973.
  • The third child and second son of Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric was Eduard Einstein.  
  • He was born on July 28, 1910, in Zurich.
  • He had musical talent and was also a good student.
  • He wanted to become a psychiatrist and began to study medicine after gymnasium.
  • However, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of only twenty years.
  • His mother took care of him until she died in 1948.
  • In 1965, he died of a stroke at the psychiatric clinic Burgholzli in Zurich.

35. Did Albert Einstein Have Siblings

  • Albert Einstein had only one sibling, a sister named Maria (Maja) Einstein.
  • She was two years younger than Albert Einstein and was born in 1881.
  • She was the only friend of Albert Einstein during his childhood.
  • From 1887 to 1894, she attended elementary school in Munich.
  • She moved along with her parents to Milan and there attended the German International School.
  • She graduated from the University of Bern in 1909.
  • One year after her graduation, she married Paul Winteler.
  • In 1911, the couple moved to Luzern, Switzerland, and then to Colonnata, Italy 1922.
  • After the introduction of anti-Semitic laws in Italy, Albert Einstein invited her to immigrate to the USA.
  • In 1939, she moved alone to the USA as her husband denied moving.
  • In 1946, she became bedridden after suffering a stroke.
  • She then developed arteriosclerosis and died on 25 June 1951 in Princeton. 

36. Albert Einstein Family Life

  • Albert Einstein had a good family life.
  • He married twice and was very affectionate to his children.
  • After his separation from his first wife, he was always concerned about the health of his second son, Eduard Einstein, who was a schizophrenia patient and was leaving with his mother.

37. Albert Einstein Family Tree


38. Albert Einstein Personal Life Summary

  • While studying at the ETH, Zurich, Albert Einstein and Mileva Malic became friends.
  • She was a Serbian student and his only female classmate at the physics and mathematics section of the teaching diploma course.
  • In the next few years, their friendship turned into romance.
  • In 1902, their daughter was born they named “Lieserl”.
  • In 1903, they married, and one year later in 1904, their son “Hans Albert Einstein” was born.
  • In 1910, their second son “Eduard” was born in Zurich.
  • In 1914, they separated when Mileva learned that Einstein’s first and major love was his first cousin Elsa.
  • In 1919, they divorced and in the same year, Einstein married Elsa.
  • Einstein and Elsa had no children together.

39. Albert Einstein Lifestyle

  • The lifestyle of Albert Einstein was simple.
  • He liked hiking, riding a bicycle, sailing, and playing his violin.
  • He was a friendly brother, a caring husband, and a devoted father.

40. Albert Einstein Death

  • Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955, at the University Medical Center, Princeton.
  • One day before his death, on 17 April 1955, he experienced internal bleeding due to the burst of an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

How Did Albert Einstein Die – Albert Einstein Cause Of Death

  • The cause of Albert Einstein’s death was the rupture of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) refers to the localized enlargement of the largest artery in the abdominal cavity known as the abdominal aorta.
  • In the case of the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, the abdominal aorta becomes abnormally enlarged to a diameter of more than 3cm, or 50% larger than its normal size.
  • Due to the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, the abdominal aorta often ruptures, if not treated at the proper time, and causes internal bleeding.
  • Albert Einstein previously experienced such a problem in 1948, however, surgeon Rudolph Nissen reinforced it surgically.
  • Before his death he refused to do surgery again, saying, “I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it is time to go. I will do it elegantly”.

How Old Was Einstein When He Died – Albert Einstein Age At Death

  • At the time of death, Albert Einstein was 76 years old.

41. Albert Einstein Books For Kids

Einstein Autobiography

  • “The World As I See It”  and “Out of My Later Years” are the autobiographies of Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein Biography Book

  • There are many biography books on Albert Einstein. The well-known are:
    • “The World As I See It” by Albert Einstein himself
    • “Einstein: His Life and Universe” by Walter Isaacson
    • “Albert Einstein” by Albrecht Fölsing
    • “Einstein” by Jürgen Neffe
    • “Subtle is the Lord…”: The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein by Abraham Pais
    • “Out of My Later Years” by Albert Einstein

42. Albert Einstein Summary – Albert Einstein Life Timeline

  • The following is a brief timeline of Albert Einstein’s life:
Date Event
March 14, 1879 Albert Einstein was born
1880 His family moved to Munich
1881 His only sibling, his sister Maja, born
1885 Albert Einstein began attending a Catholic elementary school
1889 He was enrolled in the Luitpold Gymnasium (now Albert Einstein Gymnasium)
1894 His family moved to Pavia, Italy, while Albert Einstein left behind to complete his studies
1895 He was enrolled at the Aargau Cantonal School in Aarau, Switzerland
1896 He finished his secondary school education and was enrolled at the ETH Zurich for the four-year teaching diploma course in physics and mathematics
1898 He met and fell in love with Mileva Malic at ETH Zurich
1900 He obtained his graduation degree
1901 He acquired Swiss nationality
1902 He got a job at the Swiss Patent Office with the help of his friend’s father. Their daughter “Lieserl” born
1903 Albert Einstein and Mileva Malic got married
1904 Their son Hans Albert Einstein born
1905 This year of Albert Einstein’s life is known as a “wonderful year” in which he created his special theory of relativity and the well-known mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2. His 4 papers were published in the leading German journal of physics, the “Annalen der Physik
1908 Got a job as an associate professor at the University of Bern
1909 He resigned from the Patent Office and was appointed as an associate professor at the University of Zurich
1910 His second son “Eduard” born. He wrote a paper on the critical optical phenomenon and explained the reason for the blue sky color
1911 He was appointed as a professor of theoretical physics at the German Charles-Ferdinand University of Prague
1912 He was appointed as professor of theoretical physics at ETH, Zurich, where he started working on his new theory of gravity
1913 He was working on his new theory of gravity
1914 As a professor, he joined Berlin University. He and his wife Mileva separated
1915 Finished work on his General Theory of Relativity.
1916 General Theory of Relativity was published
1917 He wrote his initial paper on cosmology
1919 Albert Einstein and Mileva Malic divorced. He married Elsa
1922 He was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his services, especially for Photoelectric Effect
1927 Along with Neil Bohar, Albert Einstein started to develop the foundations of quantum mechanics
1933 He left Germany and migrated to the United States
1935 He published his English version biography book “The World As I See It”
1936 His second wife, Elsa Einstein, died
1939 World War Ⅱ started and Einstein wrote a letter to US President Rosevelt
1940 He became a citizen of the United States
1943 Began working at the Research and Development Division of the United States Navy on Ammunition and Explosives
1945 World War Ⅱ ended with the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki through  nuclear bombing
1946 Einstein became chairman of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists
1948 His former wife Mileva Malic died
1952 He was offered to be the president of Israel but he declined
1955 Albert Einstein died

43. Albert einstein quotes

  • Some of the most famous quotes of Albert Einstein are:
    • “Imagination is more important than knowledge”.

    • “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”.

    • “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

44. Albert Einstein Brain Facts

  • Albert Einstein’s brain was removed after seven to eight hours of his death.
  • He wanted his whole body to be cremated after his death and never wanted his brain to be studied.
  • But the pathologist Thomas Stoltz Harvey removed his brain without his or his family’s permission.
  • He brought it to a laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania for study.
  • Studies reveal that his brain was of normal size and weight.
  • However, it had a more convoluted right frontal lobe with four folds (gyri) rather than the normal three. This region of the brain is associated with higher cognition.
  • His brain also had a somewhat asymmetric right and left parietal lobes, which are the brain regions associated with the processing of sensory information, language, and conceptualization.
  • The Sylvian fissure, which separates the temporal lobes on both sides was of a smaller size than normal.
  • The corpus callosum (the white matter of the brain which links the left and right sides of the brain) was thicker than normal.
  • Another study suggested that there was an increased ratio of glial cells than the normal brain.
  • Parts of Albert Einstein’s brain are present at the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Maryland and the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia.
  • At the National Museum of Health and Medicine, there are also 14 photographs of Albert Einstein’s entire brain, which is now in small sections.

45. Important Facts About Albert Einstein

  • Albert Einstein has so much contributed to science that even simple things of our daily lives like radio and toasters depend on his work.
  • At the age of 17, Albert Einstein renounced his German citizenship on the advice of his father to avoid military service.
  • The year 1905 is known as the “wonderful year” of Albert Einstein’s life, during which he created his special theory of relativity and mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2.
  • He was a great supporter of the Zionist cause and helped in the establishment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • He was offered to be the second president of Israel but he declined the offer and wrote in reply that he was “deeply moved” and “at once saddened and ashamed” that he declined it.

46. Interesting Facts About Albert Einstein

  • There is a large cavity on the Moon surface, which is named after Albert Einstein.
  • When Albert Einstein was only 5 years old, his father took him a pocket compass. Einstein was extremely interested in the compass and was fascinated that the needle was moving through something unseen.
  • The idea of the Special Theory of Relativity came to his mind when he was riding a bicycle towards the street light. He perceived that the speed of light is the same for all observers and is not influenced by the velocity of either the observer or the light source.
  • Albert Einstein claimed that his thoughts are visual.
  • He won the Nobel Prize for the photoelectric effect, not for his extraordinary creation, The Theory of Relativity.
  • Even after graduation, Albert Einstein did not find a job in his field of study.
  • After his death, the pathologist stole his brain.

47. Albert Einstein Fun Facts For Kids – Fun Facts About Albert Einstein

  • Albert Einstein began speaking at the age of four years.
  • In childhood, he was nicknamed “the dopey one”.
  • He never wore socks.
  • He did not always comb his bushy hair.
  • He loved music and learned violin from his mother at an early age.


Murad Ali Khan is a researcher, writer & editor, who believes in generating quality content. He leads an awesome team of high school students, teachers & IT graduates who helps him in creating & maintaining educational Websites & Apps.
When not tinkering on the web, Murad enjoys going on hikes, read Latest Science News, plays tennis & hangs out with his friends.

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