Isaac Newton Facts For Kids – Isaac Newton Biography For Kids

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Isaac Newton is one of the most influential scientists of all time. His work and discoveries are studied by school students all over the world. Here at Kidz Feed, we have gathered a complete set of Isaac Newton Facts For Kids that will help you learn all about Issac Newton, who he is, his name, early life, education, family, history, family life, discoveries, work, contribution to science and math, experiments, inventions, accomplishments, writing, awards, and death. It is the best Isaac Newton Biography For Kids.

Isaac Newton Facts For Kids

1. Who Is Sir Isaac Newton

  • Sir Isaac Newton was a leading physicist, mathematician, and astronomer of the 17th century.
  • Isaac Newton is considered one of the most influential scientists of all time.
  • He is a key figure in the emergence of modern science who put the foundations of classical mechanics.
  • He also made formative contributions to optics and calculus.

Isaac Newton Facts For Kids

2. Why Is Isaac Newton Important

  • Isaac Newton is important because he developed the basics of physics, the laws of motion, and the theory of gravity.
  • He made innovative contributions to optics.
  • He also contributed to the development of calculus, which was a new type of mathematics at that time.

3. What Did Isaac Newton Do

  • The most influential work Isaac Newton did was the development of motion laws and universal gravity.
  • He also did major work in the development of calculus and optics.

4. Isaac Newton Full Name

  • The full name of Isaac Newton was “Sir Isaac Newton”.

5. Where Was Isaac Newton Born – Isaac Newton’s Birthplace

  • The birthplace of Isaac Newton was Woolsthorpe Manor in a small human settlement known as Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth in Lincolnshire County, England.

6. Where Is Isaac Newton From – Isaac Newton Hometown

  • Woolsthorpe Manor was the hometown of Isaac Newton.

7. Where Did Isaac Newton Live

  • Sir Isaac Newton spent most of his early life in his hometown – Lincolnshire, England.
  • In his later life, he mostly lived in London.

8. When Was Isaac Newton Born – Isaac Newton Birthday

  • Isaac Newton’s date of birth is 4, January 1643.
  • While according to the Julian calendar, he was born on 25, December 1641 (Christmas Day).

9. Isaac Newton Early Life

  • Isaac Newton was born at the Woolsthrope village of Southwest Lincolnshire, England.
  • His father died 3 months before his birth.
  • At the age of 3, his mother got remarried.
  • Young Isaac Newton was brought up by his maternal grandmother, Margery Ayscough.
  • He attended The King’s School, Grantham, from the age of 12 to 17.

10. Isaac Newton As A Child – Isaac Newton Childhood

  • As a child, Isaac Newton was small in size due to his premature birth.
  • According to his mother, he was so small that he could fit in a quarter mug.
  • He spent most of his childhood with his maternal grandmother, as he refused to live with his step-father.

11. How Old Is Isaac Newton – Isaac Newton Age

  • At the time of death, Isaac Newton was 84 years old.

Isaac Newton Facts

12. What Nationality Was Isaac Newton – Sir Isaac Newton Nationality

  • Isaac Newton was of English nationality.

13. Life History Of Isaac Newton – Isaac Newton History

  • Isaac Newton was born in 1643 in a small village in Lincolnshire, England.
  • His father (Isaac Newton Sr.) was a wealthy farmer by occupation who died 3 months before his birth.
  • When Newton was 3 years old, his mother Hannah Ayscough remarried to a churchman named Reverend Barnabas Smith.
  • His mother went on to live with her new husband and left him in the care of his maternal grandmother, Margery Ayscough as he disliked his step-father.
  • At the age of 12, his step-father died and Newton again started living with his mother.
  • At that time, he also had three half-siblings from the second marriage of his mother.
  • He attended The King’s School in Grantham, Lincolnshire, from the age of 12 to 17.
  • His mother made him drop out of school as she wanted him to be a farmer like his father.
  • However, Newton was not interested in farming.
  • One of his schoolmasters named Henry Stokes convinced his mother to let him continue school.
  • He did well in school and was a top-ranked student.  
  • After finishing school, Isaac Newton was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge in June 1661.
  • In 1665, soon after the completion of his BA degree, he returned home as the university was temporarily closed due to the Great Plaque.
  • For the following two years, he studied privately at home and developed his theories on calculus, optics, and the laws of motion and gravitation.
  • In 1667, he went back to Cambridge and was elected as a minor fellow in Trinity.
  • He completed his MA degree in 1668 and just one year later he succeeded the Lucasian Professor, Isaac Barrow, in 1869.
  • In 1672, Isaac Newton was selected as the Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS).
  • In 1687, he published his major work “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica” (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), which laid down the foundations of classical mechanics.
  • Newton was elected to Parliament in 1689 where he served for a year.
  • In 1696, he was appointed as the Warden of the Mint and then Master of the Mint in 1700.
  • In 1705, he received the honor of Knight and was known as “Sir Isaac Newton”.
  • In 1727, he died at the age of 84 and was buried at Westminster Abby, London, England.

14. Isaac Newton Personality

  • Isaac Newton had an extremely complex and difficult personality.
  • At Cambridge, his deputy at the Lucasian chair of mathematics, William Whiston wrote about him that he had “the most fearful, cautious and suspicious Temper, that I ever knew”.

15. Isaac Newton Educational Background – Isaac Newton Education

Isaac Newton Early Education

  • Isaac Newton obtained his early education at The King’s School, Grantham.
  • The school taught Latin, Greek, and probably significant mathematical foundations were also imparted to the students.
  • Isaac Newton’s School life was disturbed when his mother made him drop out at the mid as she wanted him to be a farmer.

Where Did Isaac Newton Study –Did Isaac Newton Go To College

  • Yes, Isaac Newton attended college.
  • Isaac Newton studied at The King’s College in Grantham, Lincolnshire, and at the Trinity College, Cambridge University from where he obtained his BA and MA degrees.

What University Did Sir Isaac Newton Go To

  • Isaac Newton attended a constituent college of the Cambridge University, Trinity College.

16. How Did Isaac Newton Become A Scientist

  • Isaac Newton studied Aristotle, Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Rene Descartes, and Galileo, whose philosophy and ideologies greatly inspired him.
  • A falling apple from a tree on his farm inspired him to deeply observe the attracting force of the earth and the falling and other motions of objects.
  • He became a scientist after the development of his laws of motion and gravitation, which are considered the basis of modern physics.
  • He made a reflecting telescope which was a breakthrough in the field of optics.
  • He discovered a new way of solving mathematical problems later known as calculus.

17. What Type Of Scientist Was Isaac Newton

  • Isaac Newton was a physicist, mathematician, and astronomer.
  • He was also a theologian and author.

18. Isaac Newton Religion – Isaac Newton Beliefs

  • The fellows of Isaac Newton considered him an intellectual and perceptive theologian.
  • Until his thirties, Newton believed in Christianity as he was born in an Anglican family.
  • However, after dealing with biblical literalism or biblicism (a literal interpretation of the Bible), his work is now divided into religious tracts and occult studies (exploration work of chronology, alchemy (ancient natural philosophy), and Biblical interpretation).
  • Isaac Newton had monotheistic thoughts and believed in the existence of only one God that created and sustains the world and Universe
  • His beliefs have recently been described as a heretic.

19. Isaac Newton Family

  • Isaac Newton’s family included:
    • his parents
      • Isaac Newton Sr. (father)
      • Hannah Ayscough (mother)
    • his parental grandparents
      • Robert Newton (grandfather)
      • Ann Newton (grandmother)
    • his maternal grandparents
      • James Ayscough (grandfather)
      • Margery Blythe (grandmother)
    • two half-sisters
      • Hannah Smith Pilkington
      • Mary Smith
    • a half-brother
      • Benjamin Smith.

Isaac Newton Parents Names

  • Isaac Newton Sr. (father)
  • Hannah Ayscough (mother)

Isaac Newton Mother

  • Isaac Newton’s mother, Hannah Ayscough, became a widow three months before his birth.
  • She remarried a churchman, Reverend Barnabas Smith when Newton was three years old.

Did Isaac Newton Have Siblings

  • Isaac Newton did not have any direct siblings.
  • However, he had three half-siblings from the second marriage of his mother.
  • He had two half-sisters – Hannah Smith Pilkington and Mary Smith, and a half-brother – Benjamin Smith.

20. Was Isaac Newton Married – did Isaac Newton have a wife

  • Sir Isaac Newton was not married and did not have a wife.
  • Sir Isaac Newton’s father was Isaac Newton Sr., whose wife was Hannah Ayscough, who was Sir Isaac Newton’s mother.
  • Sir Isaac Newton himself never got married.

21. Did Isaac Newton Have Children – Isaac Newton Children

  • Sir Isaac Newton did not have any children.
  • His father, also named Isaac Newton, had a son – Sir Isaac Newton.

22. Sir Isaac Newton Family Life

  • Isaac Newton was born three months after the death of his father, Isaac Newton Sr.
  • His mother got married again when he was 3 years old.
  • He hated his step-father and also developed some hostile behavior towards his mother due to marrying him.
  • His mother left him in the care of his grandmother when she went to live with her new husband.
  • After the death of his step-father, Isaac Newton started living with his mother again and had three half-siblings.
  • His mother force him to drop out of school as she wanted him to be a farmer like his father, Isaac Newton Sr.
  • However, he had no interest in farming and continued school when one of his teachers convinced his mother.

23. How Did Isaac Newton Discover Gravity

  • There is a famous legend about Newton’s discovery of gravity.
  • It is said that he was thinking about the forces of nature when he saw an apple fall from a tree on his farm.
  • Newton realized that some type of force must exist that acts on the falling objects (like an apple), otherwise the objects would not have been able to move towards the Earth’s surface from rest.
  • He also realized that some kind of force that attracts the Moon causes its motion to be a circular path around the earth, otherwise, the Moon would have drifted away from the Earth in a straight tangential line.
  • Newton named this force “gravity” and further discovered that this “gravitational force” exists between all objects of the universe.

24. When Did Isaac Newton Discover Gravity

  • Newton discovered gravity between 1665 and 1667.
  • It was the time he spent at home during which the university was cautiously closed for some time due to the Great Plague.
  • He also developed optics and theories of calculus at that time.

25. What Is Isaac Newton Famous For

  • Sir Isaac Newton is famous for his laws of motion and gravitation, which was a great contribution to the 17th-century scientific revolution.

26. What Was Isaac Newton Known For

  • Isaac Newton is known for his fundamental works like:
    • Classical mechanics
    • Law of universal gravitation
    • Development of infinitesimal calculus
    • Newton’s laws of motion
    • Optics
    • Binomial series
    • Newton’s method

27. Where Did Isaac Newton Work

  • Isaac Newton did his well-known works (development of the theories on calculus, laws of motion and gravitation and optics) at his home in Woolsthrope, when he was privately studied at home due to the temporary closure of the university as a caution against the Great Plague.

28. Isaac Newton Contribution To Science – Isaac Newton Experiments

  • Isaac Newton’s major contributions to science are his laws of motion and universal gravitation.
  • He also suggested that the exact shape of Earth is not spherical, but rather an oblate spheroidal, a shape that is bulging at the equator and squashed at the poles.
  • He also developed a new mathematical theory, which is now known as calculus.
  • Isaac Newton’s experiments on light and colors led him to the formation of a reflecting telescope, which is also known as the Newtonian telescope.

29. Isaac Newton Contributions To Math

  • In 1665, Isaac Newton found out the generalized binomial theory.
  • He then started the development of a new mathematical concept that later became calculus, which is his major contribution to mathematics.
  • Along with another mathematician, Joseph Raphson, Newton developed a root-finding algorithm in numerical analysis, which is known as Newton’s method or Newton-Raphson method.

30. What Did Sir Isaac Newton Discover – Isaac Newton Discoveries

  • The following are Isaac Newton’s scientific discoveries:
    • Gravity
    • Three laws of motion
    • The oblate spheroidal shape of the Earth
    • Newton’s method
    • Calculus
    • Reflecting telescope

31. What Did Sir Isaac Newton Invent – Isaac Newton Inventions List

  • The major invention of Sir Isaac Newton is a reflecting telescope, also known as the Newtonian telescope.
  • It is the only earliest known functional reflecting telescope.
  • In his telescope, Newton used a mirror rather than a lens to avoid chromatic aberration (color distortion).

32. What Did Isaac Newton Accomplish – Isaac Newton Accomplishments

Some of the major accomplishments of Newton include:

  • His three laws of motion that put the foundation of classical mechanics
  • Discovery and formulation of the Universal Force of Gravitation between two objects
  • Finding the generalized binomial theorem in 1665
  • Discovery of calculus, a new way of solving mathematical problems
  • Invention of the first functional reflecting telescope
  • Discovery of the colors spectrum that combines to form white light
  • Discovery the correct shape of Earth to be an oblate spheroidal
  • After Sir Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton was the second scientist to be knighted and was awarded the title of “Sir” by Queen Anne.

33. Isaac Newton Major Works

  • The major work of Isaac Newton is his book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), which has been considered as the most influential book on physics.
  • It is a work in three editions that covers all the aspects of physics except energy.

34. Isaac Newton Writings

  • Newton’s major writing is his book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy).
  • He wrote this book in Latin and published the first edition in 1687.
  • Later, he published two further editions of this book in 1713 and 1726 respectively.

35. Isaac Newton Achievements – Isaac Newton Awards

Awards and achievements of Sir Isaac Newton include:

  • Knighthood by the Queen Anne of England
  • Top mathematical professorship at the University of Cambridge
  • Selection as a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 1672
  • Selection as a parliamentarian for Cambridge University
  • Burial at the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter at Westminster (Westminster Abby)

37. Isaac Newton Death

  • Isaac Newton died on March 31, 1727, in London, England, at the age of 84 years.

How Did Isaac Newton Die

  • Isaac Newton died in his sleep.
  • The analysis of his hair and body after his death revealed the presence of high-level mercury, which was probably caused by his chemical experiments.

What Did Isaac Newton Die From

  • Isaac Newton died probably due to mercury poisoning.

What Year Did Isaac Newton Die

  • Isaac Newton died in the year 1727 NS (1726 OS).

Where Did Isaac Newton Die

  • Isaac Newton died in Kensington, London, England.

How Old Was Isaac Newton When He Died – Isaac Newton Age At Death

  • When Isaac Newton died, he was 84 years old.

38. Interesting Facts About Isaac Newton – Isaac Newton Fun Facts

  • Isaac Newton was the first person to construct a reflecting telescope.
  • His book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) is considered one of the most influential works in the history of science.
  • Isaac Newton was the second scientist who was knighted (awarded the title of “Sir”).
  • He altered the British currency from silver to the gold standard.
  • The eccentric behavior of Newton in his later life was probably due to mercury poisoning, which later took his life.
  • About his work, Newton once said: “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants”.
  • It is a famous legend that Newton got inspired by a falling apple to discover the theory of gravitation.
  • Throughout his life, Newton never married, however, it is claimed that he was engaged once.

39. Isaac Newton Life Timeline – Sir Isaac Newton Life Story

  • The following is a brief life timeline of Isaac Newton:
Year Event
1642 Isaac Newton born
1646 His mother remarried
1654 Isaac Newton enrolled at The King’s School, Grantham
1661 Isaac Newton enrolled at the Trinity College, Cambridge University
1665 Newton obtained his bachelor’s of arts degree
1666 Newton was at home in Woolsthrope for two years due to the Great Plague. He did most of his influential works at this time.
1667 Newton went back to Cambridge University
1672 Newton was selected as the Fellow of the Royal Society
1679 His mother Hanna Ayscough died
1687 Newton published his book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy)
1689 Newton was elected as a member of the parliament, where he represented Cambridge University
1693 Isaac Newton suffered a nervous breakdown
1696 Newton obtained the job as the Warden of the Mint
1699 Newton became Master of the Mint
1703 Isaac Newton was elected as the President of the Royal Society
1705 Isaac Newton was knighted by the Queen Anne of England
1713 The second edition of Newton’s book published
1726 Newton published the third edition of his book
1727 Isaac Newton died

40. Isaac Newton Signature

newton signature

41. Isaac Newton Books For Kids

Isaac Newton and Physics for Kids: His Life and Ideas with 21 Activitiesis the best book for kids about Isaac Newton, which is available on Amazon.


Murad Ali Khan is a researcher, writer & editor, who believes in generating quality content. He leads an awesome team of high school students, teachers & IT graduates who helps him in creating & maintaining educational Websites & Apps.
When not tinkering on the web, Murad enjoys going on hikes, read Latest Science News, plays tennis & hangs out with his friends.

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